Saturday, October 16, 2010

i am pissed off!

few days ago i called to Kamal bookstore shop to order books.not only 1 books, but a lot, almost 40 books..

1St day, i ordered books at the first call,the second call on that day,the man in charge gave me a total number of payment. then,i asked for price list. well,i need to collect money from the other for the payment. he asked me to called bac afterwards. i followed what he said,so i called again for the third time. he said he cant give me the in-voice.then,he asked me to email him the order,so that he could reply me for the in-voice. i called again and told them that i already sent an email.but till now,no mesage from kamal shown in my mail inbox.

the second day,i called and told them i was waiting for their reply and asked for send to my inbox as soon as possible. they said they will call me bac but my phone never rang on that day.

well,i understand that kamal bookstore is very busy and might forget about customer order. that is fine with me,so,for their convenience and also for my convenience , i asked my cousin to go to the shop just to buy books. but they told my cousin that their boss is not there,couldnt give me a price for the 40 books. then i called back again told them that, my cousin is already there, they should hav prepare the books that i order 3days ago. i told them before that i will ask my cousin to b there to check for the books. but the answet i get is wait, then they off my call.

i am so pissed off that i feel like want to mail them n complaint complaint complaint!!! what a customer service is that! shit... then i called them again and started to raise up my voice. then only they know HOW TO CALL ME BAC!!!!! luckily i havnt finish writing the mail that i am planning to write to complaint about them.....

kamal bookstore is a very good bookstore because they provides books for the medical students where we are very very appreciate of. but i hope the service can be improved not only for the customer,but also for their own reputation.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


这就要多谢我们亲爱的老师,叫我们做这些奇奇怪怪的研究..对,是不错,我们做是对未来很有帮助,可是时间真的是有限...比较起之前的学长,他们可以在那个乡村住下来,实行一个星期的活动,而我们,早上需要去乡村(21km),下午就得回学校上课..你以为我是神咩..神至少有时间休息吧... 我们要驾车去,驾车回,又去上课 ,相信我,我一定在班上会周公....

今天整班还被老师骂,你有问题吗~~~ 我们根本就对一切一头雾水,随随便便就塞了一个任务来,没有头绪的开始,没有目标的进行...到最后就被骂了...


大家都是朋友,有什么事就讲到没事就好了..该嘛要弄到酱僵... 好累~ 不过,隔天大家没事就好~~~~~~ 轻松了一下,不过还是有点怕说话~

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



Sunday, October 10, 2010





不像有些,表面上说是好朋友,但是,有了其他好朋友之后,我这所谓的好朋友,再也不曾得到一样的对待了... 心疼,那又怎样... 不是你的,就不再是你的...所以我再也不敢跟他说心事..

我的心事,只能由不相关的人来开导,也就是我的姐妹们...所以,每当有事,我的电话花最多钱...花了钱,但是得到的是安慰以及欣慰...值得! 人生有这样几个朋友,值!!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

幸福的歌 。。。听了也开心

year 3

Actually Year 2 is quite easy,now only i noticed....!!! even easier than year 1..... juz tat u hav to promise that u try to finish the notes that given on that day will be enough...

bUt now i am in year3....well,no more Year2... is much more different.... we need to buy new books again.... rm500? i wonder would it b enough..hmm....! books are so expensive....

beside,without books,i dunno what the hell am i studying,,,,suddenly miss year 2 so much! year 3 is like a maze,where i am lost within.... searching for my way out,,,n hope that everything would b fine...

today is a day where only me n karen jo mingzhi n adrian not at home.... hmmm....suddenly the house bcome so quiet.... so,i decide to turn on my video n hav a dance training....! ha~~ well,dance is so much fun! we should dance more...
suddenly remember of the activity where we all danced for the charity...although it was quite tiring,but i miss the time where we needed to rush for dance training right after class,thou tired,but it was a lot of last batch 14 done a great job,we danced,we played,we practised together...when will we hav this kind of chance again..i wonder...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

thanks bee bee for sharing a good note with me.....


1、有事的时候找你   没事儿的时候无视你     

2、受你点恩惠就对你倍儿好 但平时对你指手划脚   

3、泛泛之交 没必要 掏心挖肺的对人家 先看看这人值不值得交     相处时间久了 你一定会更了解一个人  更清楚应该怎么样对他 

4、不要对谁都是一副怜惜的心情  不是每个人都值得你那么做    

5、不要对不怀好意的人心软  你该做的只是在他哭的时候 不要笑  而没必要去嘘寒问暖  不是每个人都会理解那是善意的  想象力是可怕的 它可以把一切美好的东西扭曲  更何况 你又不确定那个人是否领情  又何必自讨没趣呢

6、分手了  可以是陌生人  可以是朋友  但是时刻提醒自己 你们之间的关系 不是从前  如果实在不习惯可以慢慢适应  但不要像在一起的时候那样对对方 因为回不去了  付出的再多 也无济于事 说不定人家还觉得你烦了呢  有那份心不如对自己好点  何必做一个貌似伟大还自己受苦的痴情种呢?    

7、心里没有你的人  不要妄想某天他会被你打动  虽然这不是绝对不可能发生的事情  但是要切记 适可而止 偶尔也要想想自己  但是你若是为了感动一个人而对他好  或是带有其它目的  那就另当别论了  

8、不要对自以为是的人好  这样的人太以自我 为中心  你的好 在他眼里可能是理所应当的  虽然你可能不这么认为

其实 对别人好不好 只是看自己的心 没有确定的标准
说这么多 只是希望每个人都能对自己好一点儿  不要总是为别人考虑很多  

真的不是每个人 都值得你对他好
真的不是每个人都会做到 你对他好 他就对你好
真的不是 做个好人就会有好报。。。

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


不懂是我想太多还是什么... 总觉得,有些人对自己的态度变了很多.. 自问是什么都没做过,什么都没说过..但偏偏那种不舒服的感觉总会找上门来,总觉得那人的眼神与态度跟以往的有些不一样... 有些呢是在不同人前面,对我表现不同的态度..有必要吗? 算了吧...我也不想知道太多...

有时候,做人还真的是不能期望太多....打从心底把人家当朋友看,但是人家把你当了什么? 路人甲? 虽然我知道人家的想法跟我期待的不一样,但是就有少许的介意,可能是我没有了安全感吧...毕竟有心与无心只差了一个字,但是他的结果却是截然不同...有心,至少让人家感觉到,你们珍惜他的存在,无心,只会带来心酸....突然觉得不懂是自己想太多,还是太在乎,总之就是让我心碎... 往日再也不会归来,因为,我真的觉得到人对人的态度真的会变不一样,是有人从中作梗,还是我不小心冒犯了,我也不懂....懵懵懂懂过了我的一生...总之就是,我的电话已收信箱里,那些名字已经很久没出现了... 单方面的维持这一段让我好累。。


那,算我笨... 即使知道自己是多余的,还要硬参一脚... 是时候做选择了?放手还是....

这时候,又听到了这样的一个句子' 他讲是你讲的'....拜托吧...什么都是我讲,那些杀人罪说是我杀的好了啦!!!! 我根本没有讲过什么,结果到头来,变成是我说,拿我来当代罪羔羊! 好,我现在起, 我什么都不说!


我们下个星期要开始上community medicine...
任务是去kampung nelayan做个homestay,做research...


homestay..有人愁,有人喜..到底好不好住,我就不懂了... 只怕,去到那里,是要牺牲小我,完全蚊子,还是会有个愉快的几晚...有谁懂..听学长说是最轻松的posting...

最近常常跑去oldtown宵夜。。。哈! 住得太近,没办法。。哈!

慈济终于正式在aimst开跑了!!! 要加油!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


最近,爱上这部戏... 最喜欢佘诗曼的角色...刀子嘴,豆腐心... 相信很多人都是这样...
我认识的朋友就有几个是这样的... 虽然平时,嘴巴很贱,但是,到了最后,他也会自动地帮忙..


Friday, October 1, 2010


有些...见面少了...有些见面多了... 有些不一样了....

原来,要维持一样东西,无论是什么东西,都很难...情也好,物也好... 我做得不够好,原本以为我可以做到,可是我高估了自己... 我好像失败了